Fallout 2 Highlight Items

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  1. Fallout 4 items. There are many items in Fallout 4. The articles listed on this page aim to provide information on all of the items which can be found in the game. Note that, contrary to earlier Fallout titles, many locations in the game reset after a certain amount of time has passed, including all non-unique items found within.
  2. There are many items in Fallout 2. The articles listed on this page aim to provide information on all of the items which can be found in the game. Ammunition Armor and clothing Consumables Holodisks Skill books Weapons Other items.
  3. Fallout 1 Fixt Highlight Items. I remember being able to highlight all items on the map when playing fallout 1 but now as I reininstalled it seems that it doesn't seem to be working as such anymore. I've read online that the shift button is what makes it trigger and when pressing it nothing happens.
I recently re-installed fallout 2 because of some perfomance issues i had.

+-items +-scenery +-tiles +-walls -misc - Recording mode - In the game's main menu hit Ctrl-R. This will ask you to load a map and then select a name (for the recording). You've now started a recording and to exit you'll need to hit Ctrl-R again. Once recorded, Fallout 2.

After using GOG V with RP 2.3.3, Sfall V4.1.9.1 and Fo2Tweaks V10 highlighting has changed.
Now empty corpses, shelfs, containers and such are highlighted as well. I tried fooling around with the fo2tweaks.ini but cant seem to change that. I also tried fooling around with the ddraw.ini, the line
The code was 32 to begin with.
This is line from fo2tweaks.ini

Code: Select all Kenny bernstein mac tool box for sale. Boge focus control manual.

I would like to only highlight when the corpses and stuff have any items on them. Much cleaner. I think its the GOG version thats doing it but dont know where to change code.

Fallout 1st Items

Fallout 2 Highlight Items Codes

EDIT: I checked in the game directory and came over a 'sfall-mods.ini', and guess what, everything was duplicated there. So i just disabled those duplicates and now everything works fine.

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